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In a show of solidarity, Illinois senator Tammy Duckworth issues statement on Military Transgender Ban


by Daniel Johanson

In a rushed twitter statement a few weeks back, Trump announced that he would be instituting a transgender ban in the military.

The tweets were in response to a private meeting he had with some military officials, and at the time many were unsure how official a statement made on social media would be, especially considering the subject’s gravity.

It seems Trump has followed through on that promise on Friday August 25th, signing a document banning new transgender recruits but with wide guidelines for current transgender personnel.

This goes against the sentiments of our Illinois senators, specifically Tammy Baldwin who issued a statement yesterday with her very clear stance on the issue.

“When I was bleeding to death in my Black Hawk helicopter after I was shot down, I didn’t care if the American troops risking their lives to help save me were gay, straight, transgender, black, white or brown,” Duckworth said. “All that mattered was that they didn’t leave me behind.”

You can read the full statement here on her site.

As far as where the bill stands now, according to The Times, Mattis has 6 months to implement the ban, which also applies to the Department of Homeland Security and the Coast Guard.

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