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Posts published in “Hearth and Soul”

Hearth And Soul S03E01

Quarantine Kitchen Roundtable- how we’re feeding ourselves during a pandemic.Aaaaaaand we’re back! It’s been a while, but we’re back at it with a full table of guests! We talk groceries,…


S2E10: Mr. Green meets Mrs. Fisher We sit down with our favorite spirits expert, Ian Hosack, and talk about the man, the myth, the legend; Uncle Nearest and his name…


S2E9: Jam-uary! Leah Hungerford joins us to talk all things canning! Jams, pickles, preserves, the connection to our ancestors, and how you too could start down the wonderful world of…


S2E7: Let’s talk breakfast! We get super nerdy and dive into the history of breakfast in Western culture, inspired by one of the BBC’s ‘Two Fat Ladies’, Clarissa Dickson Clark(who…


S2E6: Eat the Fat with Fat Chat Knowledge on repeat!! We did a crossover episode with the lovely humans at Fat Chat, and if you follow them then this episode…


S2E5: A lesson on being impeccable with our words “You don’t look sick…”, “….at least you don’t have (insert terrible life-threatening disease)….”, “Oh yeah, I totally know how you feel,…


S2E4: People who feed my soul, with Spence Warren. What will hopefully be the first in a recurring series, Angela sits down with one of her favorite humans, filmmaker Spence…


S2E3: Cookware In response to a listener request (ok the listener was Angela’s mom, but it’s still a good idea!) we bang out some info on cookware! Why yes, that…


In January, the Fortes decided to all do the Whole30 together, each of us for different reasons. Host Angela used it as a means to reset and reinforce her food…


WELCOME TO SEASON TWO! We flip the script with a conversation about our worst food experiences! Angela and Maureen regale you with their own stories, as well as stories from…

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