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Chance the Rapper Doesn’t “Fuck with Trump,” Says Should Have Just Called Kanye

Photo by Julio Enriquez

Chance the Rapper just tweeted a note from his phone serving as a piece further explaining his perspective on the recent media blowup surrounding Kanye West recently outting himself as a Trump Supporter.

The note was thoughtful and is quick to point out that his reaction was a personal one, his statement having less to do with Kanye but about the experience of being black in Chicago.

“My statement about black folk not having to be democrats (though true) was a deflection from the real conversation and stemmed from a personal issue with the fact that Chicago has had generations of democratic officials with no investment or regard for black schools, neighborhood or black lives,” Chance said. “But again, said that shit at the wrongest time.”

“We have to talk honestly about what is happening and has been happening in this country and we have to challenge those who are responsible, as well as those who are giving them a pass. If that happens to include someone I love, someone who is my brother-in-Christ and someone who I believe does really want to do what is right, it’s not my job to defend or protect him. It’s my job to pick up the phone and talk to him about it.”

You can read the whole tweet here:

We at Scapi Magazine are interested in hearing more of what you think about this story as it develops. We’re especially looking to help tell the stories that Chance highlights above, doubly so if it means that we can educate our audience on their shortcomings. If you live that experience and feel comfortable, please write in on our contact page and we will gladly get back to you.

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