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Popular Sublet Facebook Group Changes Name to Remove Racial Slur

Late Friday afternoon a popular facebook group for short-term housing throughout Chicago changed its name to “Ghostlight Housing Chicago” after a series of complaints from users.

In a post after the name change, group admin Matthew Kilgore explains that the group that the name change came after a long time of personal reflection.

“In response to ongoing polarizing views over the name of this group, I am pleased to announce the transition to a new name,” Kilgore said. “While Gypsy Housing was never intended to discriminate against any ethnicity, race, creed, heritage, or culture, Gypsy is, in fact, a racial slur used derogatorily against Romani people.”

The group itself has over 11,000 members, and is a standby for many folks in Chicago looking for short-term housing in the various neighborhoods throughout the city.

Many groups continue to still use the slur, including NYC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Atlanta.

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