Local creative and poetic type Makeda Loney just announced through her outlet Keda’s Poetry Service (insta) that she will be putting together a special holiday card program for those needing a little emotional pickmeup.
“If you’re like me, family holidays trigger me something fierce,” Loney said. “And I figured, why not spread some holiday laughs and cheer in my own way? Introducing Merry FuckThis, a holiday card program by KPS!”
You can either send someone a card with a personal note, or have Loney write a poem for your designated letter receiver.

This follows on the tail of her recent collaboration with Libby Monaghan Art, a 12-pack holiday card series with an aesthetic you can send home to mom.
Loney describes writing poetry as her “ultimate” form of self care.
“I need something physical to put my anxiety into,” Loney told earlier this year. “And it’s weird, the thing that relieves me is the thing that gives me more anxiety because I’m like ‘Are they going to like this? Does this make sense? Are my color choices right?’”
The link to the preorder for Merry Fuckthis 2018 is up now, and you can check out the offerings here.
The holiday card line is a limited run, and there are multiple designs that are already half sold out. So if you can’t get your hands on them this year, make sure to keep posted on everything Keda’s Poetry Service cooks up.
You can also listen to our first interview with Makeda Loney from a year ago here.
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