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Donald Trump Will Look Into Pardoning Joe Exotic

For some reason, one of the reporters at today’s Trump press conference asked Mr. Trump if he would look into pardoning Netflix Star Joe Exotic’s jail sentence.

The reporter spent a couple of minutes telling Exotic’s entire story as a Tiger owner serving a 22-year prison sentence, citing it as one of the other rating hits besides the coronavirus.

Trump then asked him what Exotic did, to which the reporter said it was alleged that he paid someone to attempt to murder Carole Baskin, as told in the Netflix documentary.

Trump asked reporters if they would recommend a pardon, and said he would definitely take a look.

This follows Donald Trump Jr. saying he watched the Netflix documentary “Tiger King” in only two sittings and joked that he could lobby for his father to pardon Joe Exotic simply to watch the mainstream media’s reaction.

“Maybe not right now, but I can generally be for this just for the meme,” Trump Jr. said. “And just for frankly watching the media reaction to this thing. It would be pretty amazing to ultimately see that.”

This also follows U.S. Attorney General William Barr issuing an emergency order Friday calling for the release of vulnerable federal prisoners into home confinement amid the coronavirus crisis. This news comes as at least 16 states have also released prisoners.

Below you can watch the Democracy Now segment talking more about prison conditions generally during the coronavirus. They look at the treatment of incarcerated people in New York state, where Governor Andrew Cuomo has yet to grant anyone freedom despite at least 24 confirmed cases among state prisoners.

Meanwhile, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has said he’ll release about 300 people from Rikers Island and other city jails, but advocates are calling for far more to be freed. We speak to José Diaz, a New York University graduate student who was just released from Rikers on Saturday morning.

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