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College Board Accused of Creating Reddit Accounts to Entrap High Schoolers into Cheating on AP Exams

photo by Alberto G

Over the week entrapment accusations have been leveled against the test-taking non-profit College Board over posts in subreddits related to the 2020 AP exams.

Many of the posts have been since deleted, but some TikTok users have taken to the app with screenshots to document the entrapment. One such screenshot from user u/randomletterz413 reads:

“it would be sick if we could drop our name and AP ID and Form Number. If we could all have access I feel like we could really gather some fun answers and we could help each other!!!”

According to sources, the entrapment began with user u/dinosauce313 posting a Drake meme reading:

an added second layer to the original u/dinosauce313 meme

Top Text: Me Spending 5000$ taking a college course
Bottom Text: Me cheating my way through a 4 min test and getting AP Credit

Again, these posts have since been deleted but screenshots are circulating on tiktok and other social media apps.

Students are reporting that after interaction with u/dinosauce313 and other suspected reddit accounts, they received notice from College Board that their tests were rejected.

If true, this is entrapment of minors. For those that don’t know, legally entrapment is a defense to criminal charges, and it’s when authority uses coercion and other overbearing tactics to induce someone to commit a crime.

The way that this setup worked is by knowing that in order to cheat on AP Exams students would need to organize based on form numbers. This initial buy-in coerced students to give more information to disguised College Board reddit accounts when pressed.

Since then, protesters have taken to the subreddit r/APTests2020, reportedly created by College Board, with NSFW images and statements against the non-profit.

This story is developing and Scapi will follow up as more information becomes available.

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