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Roberta Terchi Nocentini Brings Together Italian Cultural Institute and Pianoforte Foundation to Celebrate the 150th anniversary of Rossini’s Death

On February 28th, 2018, in collaboration with the Istituto Italiano di Cultura, the Pianoforte Foundation will house a concert of Rossini works by Chicago newcomer Roberta Terchi Nocentini with local singers including Adrianne Blanks, Justin Berkowitz, and Laura Perkett.

When I arrived in Chicago five months ago, I just wanted to restart my job: the music,” Nocentini said. “I emailed the Italian Institute of Culture asking the director Alberta Lai to have a possibility to meet her for some projects, she replied to me only after a few hours. I was astonished she was even willing to meet me.”

Nocentini then tapped quite a few singers locally by using the popular classical singing facebook group, Chicago Area Classical Singers Group.

I knew that the level of singers here in USA is very high, but I did not imagine so amazing,” Nocentini said. “I auditioned 18 singers (after a first choice between over thirty) and honestly, I found it so hard to make a decision. At the end I followed my feelings: I wanted obviously excellent singers, but also musicians flexible, humble and who believe in the teamwork. I have been fortunate: I found them.”

Nocentini hails from L’Aquila, Italy and studied in London at the Royal Academy of Music and worked at the Trinity Laban Conservatoire.

“I am Italian and I am very proud to spread anywhere music from my country, communicating the point of view of a native who has risen and has been educated under the shadow of the opera,” Nocentini said. “The best part is when I coach this music, sharing with talented musicians my passion and my knowledge and, you know, every time I am the first to learn something new, This is what I call ‘communication with the music.’ It is not the ‘showing off’ of many colleagues who make music only for themselves and for feeling the bests, but it is the universal language of the music that “speaks” through our performances.”

Rossini is, in my opinion, one of the opera composers who more found the exact match between sounds of single words with the sound of music, giving the audience extreme rhythmic energy that has no end also after the music finished,” Nocentini said.

You can find the facebook event for the upcoming event here, as well as get the program and register attendance here.

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