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#DayofDefiance Planned after Laquan Mcdonald Grand Jury Disbanded

On Black Friday this year activists in the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression plan to boycott Magnificent Mile shops in response to the continued lack of response by Chicago officials to the murder of Laquan Mcdonald in 2014.

According to the Chicago Tribune, a Cook County special grand jury has been disbanded without charging any additional Chicago police officers, including department higher-ups, for their handling of Laquan McDonald’s fatal shooting by an officer.

The Trib also published a timeline of events in the Laquan Mcdonald case in late October detailing the CPD’s delayed release of the video evidence of Jason Van Dyke’s now infamous 16 shots.

“We have not forgotten the 16 shots and City Hall cover-up, nor have we lost sight of the fact that his murderer Jason Van Dyke has still not been brought to justice despite the continued outrage of the people demanding justice,” the group’s facebook event reads. “We remember two years ago when our people, outraged by the video of the brutal murder of Laquan, poured into the streets of the Magnificent Mile, demanding justice. Thousands of people blocked entrances to the stores, shutting down Victoria’s Secret, MACY’S, and NIKE, tying up traffic and crippling sales. This spontaneous unplanned boycott served notice on the mayor and his corporate financial buddies that the power of the people is awesome.”

Developments continue significantly in the last three years, and it’s thanks to the coordinated efforts of Black Lives Matter and the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression to keep pressure on the actions of the city’s investigations.

For those keeping count, in the last 2 weeks: 1) Two investigators state Anita Alvarez doctored the dashcam footage of Ronald Johnson AND 2) No more charges will be filed against remaining 5 cops or city officials who covered up Laquan McDonald’s murder,” Black Lives Matter Chicago said in a statement on Twitter.

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