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Durbin Pushes Rauner for “Real Plan” on 12 Killed by Legionnaire’s Disease in Quincy, Illinois

In 2015, there was an outbreak of Legionnaire’s Disease at an Illinois Veteran’s Home that killed 12 and infected over 50. The disease is rare, an atypical form of pneumonia, and the symptoms are devastating.

According to Local 6, Multiple lawsuits against the state over a Legionnaires’ disease outbreak at a Quincy veterans’ home have been filed in the Illinois Court of Claims.

Senator Dick Durbin issued a statement on Twitter on Friday pointing to Rauner specifically.

There also seems to be tangible evidence of Rauner’s roadblocking the lawsuits. The lawsuits have a cap of $100,000 per case.

“Illinois law only allows payouts up to $100k to families who lost loved ones to Legionnaires outbreak,” Chicago Alderman Ameya Pawar said. “This is the type of draconian cap wants to apply to workman’s comp insurance to make Illinois more ‘competitive.'”

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