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Chance the Rapper Endorses Amara Enyia for Mayor

Chance the Rapper teased on Twitter yesterday that he would be at city hall to make a mayoral announcement. Many rumored that he himself would be running, considering a series of tweets and quotes from his songs.

Just after noon, Chance tweeted: “Im thinkin maybe I should” — part of a line from his 2015 song “Somewhere in Paradise.”

It was rumored that Chance would actually be endorsing someone, favorites included Ja’Mal Green, a community activist, but two sources with the Sun Times actually predicted his eventual endorsement of Amara Enyia, another activist who has extensive experience with the city, including heading the Austin Chamber of Commerce.

She has been holding weekly “WE Run This City” events throughout the summer as a direct way to communicate her vision throughout Chicago’s neighborhoods.

This vision, which she relayed to reporters, includes economic reform that would create public and cooperative banking, education reform that mirrors Chance’s longtime support of the Chicago Public Schools, ending corruption in elections, and furthering police reform and accountability with the support of movements like No Cop Academy.

“Chicago is in serious need of reform, but this election is about more than just Chicago. It holds national significance and we can lead the nation in new visions that work for the people,’’ Enyia said. “This belief and this movement represent the future of Chicago and we are both dedicated to building the Chicago we deserve.’’

Questions from press varied from topic to topic, many for Chance’s views on the city’s politics widely, and Enyia’s visions for the city.

Press also asked how Chance felt voter turnout affected the local election.

“About 30% of eligible voters voted in the last election,” Chance the Rapper said. “We focus a lot, those 30% like to argue about who would win in an election. We don’t talk enough about who needs to be in office, who can bring about change. We will see the largest 18-25 voter turnout in Chicago’s history.”

And about that song lyric? Chance said he likely won’t ever run for mayor, but looks forward to having an active hand in the electoral process.

“I probably won’t ever run for mayor of Chicago, but Amara and I share a vision,” Chance the Rapper said. “We believe in the people at the bottom of the city, the people that have been written off.”

Enyia also responded to questions about violence in Chicago, specifically the pressure the White House is trying to put on the city to ramp up police presence.

“We have already put out press releases in response to the president and the attorney general,” Enyia said. “We have walked alongside and marched with all of the individuals involved with CPAC, there have been multiple community movements that I have been a part of, this is not new to me. You will see where I stand.”

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