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Wacky Wednesday: Sam Bianchini

Pictured above: Halie Robinson in rehearsal for My Name is Rachel Corrie/Photo: Zeke Dolezalek

Are you a DIY theater/performance artist who likes to answer strange and random questions? Email with your interest to be featured on Wacky Wednesday.

Each Thursday, we ask a theater artist/performance artist a question completely unrelated to theater or performance. Welcome to Wacky Wednesday.

Today we are highlighting Sam Bianchini, artistic director of Jacaranda Collective and director of their innaugural show, My Name Is Rachel Corrie.

Take a look at this week’s questions:

Where do you wipe your hands after eating a cheesy chip?

Pants. Duh.

If your carpet could talk, what would it say?

Please vacuum me. This is a lot of dog hair.

If your childhood stuffed animal asked you for financial advice, what would you say?

You’re asking the wrong person, Bubbers.

When do you begin?

After coffee.

What’s plan C?

Build a yoga retreat on a beach in Costa Rica. Drink from coconuts every day and hang with howler monkeys.

How would you proceed with a broken clock?

Look at my iPhone.

Do you know your way around a gumball machine?

100% yes.

Could kindness end all of your problems? Half of them? One of them?

Kindness solves everything.

My Name Is Rachel Corrie ran at The Den Theater, 1331 North Milwaukee Avenue through April 6. More information on the show and the collective can be found here

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