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DIY Quotes with DIY Folks: Claire Zulkey

Pictured above: Claire Zulkey during performance of Funny Ha-Ha/Photo: Steve Delahoyde

Are you a DIY theater/performance artist who likes to answer questions about the craft? Email with your interest to be featured on DIY Quotes/DIY Folks.

Each Tuesday, we ask a theater artist/performance artist questions about theater or performance. Welcome to DIY Quotes with DIY Folks.

Today, we are highlighting Claire Zulkey, writer and curator of Funny Ha-Ha, a multifaceted open mic with monthly events!

Take a look at this week’s questions:

What is the audition process like for a (your) DIY theater performance? From calls to casting?

I like getting recommendations from other producers and when performers introduce themselves to me at a show–that way I know they’ve seen our show and cares enough to say hello. Then basically it’s a matter of emailing me so I can save their name for the next time I book a show. I do a little secret vetting too, checking with some fellow producers if the performers in question are good and professional about what they do.

How do you kick off a rehearsal?

We don’t rehearse! The show is it.

What’s the structure?

Usually 7 performers who get about 10 minutes or less to read, perform, speak. No intermission! We run a tight show.

What are you looking for in a successful, DIY collaboration?

Someone who meets the sweet spot between responding in a timely way and understanding not everyone is connected all the time. Someone who respects other people’s time, is honest and to the point, doesn’t take themselves too seriously, doesn’t need to hear themselves talk constantly, who is forgiving but not a pushover, and who doesn’t have time for drama.

Do you have a daily practice relating to theater/art? What is it?

I’m a full time writer so every workday day I work in the medium that brings me creative satisfaction and also pays the bills. Also as the mother of young children I am constantly sorting through their art, deciding what can be lovingly recycled and what is a souvenir of this point in their lives worth keeping.

Funny Ha-Ha’s next show takes place on June 18th at The Hideout, 1354 W. Wabansia Ave.

More information on the show and group can be found here.

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