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Wacky Wednesday: The Penguin is Here

Each Thursday, we select a group of DIY theater artists, performers and creatives in Chicago and ask them a question completely unrelated to theater or performance. Welcome to Wacky Wednesday.

Take a look at this week’s question:

“A penguin walks through that door right now wearing a top hat. What does the penguin say and why is the penguin here?”

The responses:

Ned Baker; Director/Co-Founder at Rabid Bat Theatricals, Artist, Educator, Wrestling Fan:

“Gosh, my gut reaction to the top hat is that he’s some sort of robber baron member of the industrial elite and he’s like, “What’s this I hear about unions in my factories? I’ll have none of it!” But as a penguin, maybe he’s like a jaunty impersonator just doing a send-up of the robber baron type—I’m very sympathetic to penguins. So maybe he enters and it’s a tense moment where we’re uncertain of his motivations… and then he breaks the tension with “Drinks all around!””

Mari DeOleo; Story and Experience Creator, Creator of PlayLab Productions:

Penguin: (British accent.) Hello, there… Would you happen to know where a flightless bird can buy a ticket aboard the next streamer to Chile?

Clearly, this penguin is here to inspire me to create something silly. My favorite!”

Hannah Ii-Epstein; Co-Artistic Director of Nothing Without a Company:

“Penguin: It’s quite cold and snowy outside. I seem to have lost my way.
Me: It may feel like the Arctic here but you’re in Chicago!

Penguin taps on their pocket compass: Oh no! It’s broken!”


Are you a DIY theater artist and/or performer who likes to answer strange and random questions? Email with your interest to be featured on a Wacky Wednesday.

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